My gathered solo music, an attempt to integrate various practices of composing, songwriting, and sound-art into one cohesive musical body.
Ben Jackson - Violin
Maddy Wildman - Bassoon
Jane Marie Rogers - Percussion
Karalyn Schubring - Piano
Front Porch is a mixed quartet that invites audiences to engage personally with the voices of their close friends, reimagining the classical concert experience with warmth and love at its foundation. Their uncommon instrumentation — violin, bassoon, piano, and percussion — makes them equally at home with composers, folk artists, opera singers, and everyone in between.
Lyd de Leeuw
Ezra Gans
Jane Marie Rogers
Madeline Wildman
BRIGE is a Jane Lyd Ezra and Maddy that struggle to name what it is they do in any meaningful way. Past attempts include 'free-improv band,' 'performance-art troupe,' 'electro-acoustic noise brigade,' 'multidisciplinary experiment in radical geometry,' and 'friends.'